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Web design as a digital marketing strategy

While physical stores are still very useful, they are no longer the norm. Now that so many people have access to the Internet and Internet devices such as laptops and smartphones, many prefer to shop online. And although social networks such as Instagram and Facebook have adapted their design for this, many entrepreneurs and companies continue to bet on private web pages.

However, the story is not as simple as simply posting photos of the products, prices, and payment methods. Web pages are much more than a catalog. It is true that, through them, visitors can find out about the products or services offered by a certain brand, as well as other sales details. But a platform must go further; It must offer information about the objectives of the company and also, useful content for visitors.

To achieve this, you need a good Web design. A well-focused marketing strategy should definitely include it. And while you’ll probably need others to build it, the long-term benefits will far outweigh the investment of money and time. We explain why.

Poor web design, the reason why some platforms fail

It is a fact that today having a web presence is one of the many almost essential steps to publicize a business. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to attract more public and, therefore, attract customers and generate sales. This is why web pages have become so popular.

But this has happened to all of us: we enter a website and it takes too long to load; during the wait, we lose interest and leave. If what is uploaded is attractive to our eyes, we may stay; but if there is no harmony in the disposition of its sections, nor color psychology, nor congruence between letters and images, we will feel overwhelmed. We wouldn’t hesitate to get out of there.

The Internet is full of web pages, but many of them do not achieve their goals even though they have the potential to do so. The reason is said: a poor digital presence. Many times this does not even include what it should; in other cases it is so busy that visitors are overwhelmed; in others, it is very difficult to find the information and there is not even a contact section

The objective of your brand’s web platform

But what we want is just the opposite. We want to charm our visitors to encourage them to try our product or service; In this way, we pave the exciting path of converting you from an occasional customer to a regular customer. That is the goal. For this, the intention is not enough; it must be captured on our website, and that is why design must be applied.

This brings us to where we started: the purpose of our website. To fulfill it, it is necessary to propose a marketing strategy, and this must inevitably contemplate aspects such as aesthetics and functionality.

That said, what this aspect is looking for is to allow users to navigate  hong kong email list comfortably through its different sections, quickly and, above all, safely. Everything is arranged in the most harmonious way possible so that visitors can access information as easily as if they were turning the page in a catalogue.

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An essential part of a marketing strategy

Most Internet users don’t know this, but their online selection criteria are very sophisticated. Google knows this, so it tries to position those with the most potential to satisfy the search intention on its first page of results. When creating a web page, we should apply a similar logic that finds the balance between pleasing Google and users without  the advantages of web design in barcelona in wordpress  sacrificing the objective of the company. Nothing easy, huh?

A well-designed web page should allow easy navigation, elegance, versatility belize lists  for visibility on different devices and high loading speed. And, of course, the SEO aspects cannot be missing.

In general, this step involves a lot of technicality, and it is not for less. For this reason, many entrepreneurs and big brands prefer to delegate this work to private professionals and agencies.

9. Elementor Page Builder: In addition to facilitating SEO work, it is a tool that works as a visual builder to design your online site.

10. EasyDigitalDownloads: Allows you to manage and sell digital products. It offers more options focused on online sales than Woocommerce, and a broader interface than the latter.

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