You probably already know that you should be using email marketing , but you may not be sure how to get the most out of it.
Lead nurturing and lead capture can be tricky, and it’s common for businesses to make mistakes that can undermine the effectiveness of your strategy. In fact, according to recent data, it’s estimated that over 70% of businesses aren’t taking full advantage of the potential of lead nurturing in their email marketing campaigns.
So what is the secret to effective lead nurturing? In reality, it’s not so much a magic formula as it is carefully optimizing the process and defining the right goals. In this article, we’ll provide you with valuable insights so that your team can significantly improve the way you nurture leads to your database through email marketing.
1. Have a CRM and marketing automation software
Trying to send nurturing campaigns without a CRM tool and marketing automation software is like trying to row a boat with a stick. These platforms do most of the hard work for kenya consumer mobile number list you, and they also make it much easier to reach your goals.
including the pages they visit, the forms they fill out, the content they download and interact with, and any previous interactions you’ve had with them. This allows you to track and monitor behavior, so you can make your email nurturing campaigns more targeted and personalized.
Marketing automation software , meanwhile, saves you time, money, and effort with your lead nurturing emails. Set up your automation platform to send emails for you instead of having to send them manually, and take advantage of template and design options that will make your emails more branded, more engaging, and more interactive.
2. Understand the Buyer Journey
It’s critical to understand your buyers’ journey, both in general and as it relates to their relationship with lead nurturing. And there are at least three main stages of the journey that you your email marketing checklist need to understand in order to get to know your potential customers better.
Awareness: When a potential buyer realizes that he or she wants or needs a specific product or service.
Consideration: When a bw lists potential buyer has defined their want or need and is now researching possible product or service solutions.
Decision: When a potential buyer has researched your solution and is comparing available options to select the one that best fits their needs.
Keeping your buyer journey in mind will help you determine what type of content you should create.